Top Questions You Should Ask


Are you or someone you know thinking of selling a home? When you’re choosing a REALTOR to sell your home, it pays to really check them out. Don’t be shy about asking tough questions! You’re trusting them with your largest asset!


The top questions to ask a REALTOR®:


·    How will you market my home? How many people are likely to see the listing? Is it more important to you to provide as much information as possible about my home to website visitors or to entice them into calling you to learn more?


·    You do have a website, don’t you? How do you maximize a listing’s online exposure?


·    How long have you been selling homes in this area? In this neighborhood? About how many have you sold?


·    What is the biggest selling point of my home (or of a home in my general area)? What will be the biggest challenge? How will you deal with less appealing features in your marketing and sales?


·    What is your negotiating and sales style? Have you ever found a seller difficult to work with? If so, why? Did you sell the home anyway?


·    Can I have the names of some past clients?


Give us a call at 712-224-2300 and we’ll give you our answers.  Our website,, is also full of helpful information you can rely upon.

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