Now is the time to find your way in Real Estate

As I was reading a recent WSJ article about housing the author made the comment that well over 40% of the real estate agents in selected markets across the country have left the business. While that may sound like a profession on its deathbed I think it means there are increased opportunities for those that decide to make real estate a career. I also have to believe that a great majority of those agents that have left were part timers and not willing to make the commitment necessary to become successful. I firmly believe that what has made being a Realtor attractive in the past remains unchanged. Few professions offer the flexibility and unlimited income potential of being a Realtor. Making things even better is our local market which has remained strong and stable over the past 15 years. But, as with any profession, to be successful you need to work hard and work smart.


Jim Trucano, Sales Associate

Cell:  712-301-2300




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