Meet Jessica Kern

A little about me.  I am a married mom of one and a favorite hobby of mine is gardening.  I used to have a very large garden, about 30 x 15, at my “starter home”, where I lived for 12 years (pictured above).

My favorite items to plant are different types of tomatoes and peppers, eggplant, greens like kale and spinach, and herbs like cilantro and basil.  In my old garden, I also planted things like radishes and corn because I had the room.  Now, I just have some raised beds and not a lot of sunshine, so I have tomatoes scattered throughout the property, some herbs in the flower bed out front, and misc. other plants in planters.  When I was personally shopping for my new home, finding a place where I could have a garden was a huge priority for me.  If it is for you as well, be sure to let your agent know!









Thanks for stopping by!


Jessica Kern



Licensed in IA, NE, SD

Phone: 712-490-4814




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