7 Reasons You’re Secretly Jealous of your Dollhouse Family

Did you play with a dollhouse growing up? Were you just a tiny bit jealous of the tiny inhabitants of the teeny tiny houses? It’s okay if you were – no judgment. 

Here are a 7 reasons to be jealous of your dollhouse family:

1. Someone bought their home for them and they didn’t pay a cent!

2. They don’t pay mortgages, rent, or bills.

3. Your dollhouse family can move easily without the stress of relocating and hefty moving bills.

4. Their clothes, furniture, and food are free. They don’t even have to use the Sims’ Rosebud !;!;!; cheat for more money.

5. They live forever and never look a day older. It’s like Benjamin Button, but better.

6. They have an interior designer, a maid, a chef, full-time security, and more! Daddy Warbucks would be impressed.

7. They don’t have to make difficult decisions or any decisions at all!

We hope you enjoyed this little walk down nostalgia lane!

– See more at: http://blog.century21.com/2014/04/7-reasons-youre-secretly-jealous-of-your-dollhouse-family/#sthash.AdJ4W1kQ.dpuf

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