Posts Tagged ‘Title insurance’

What To Expect In Closing Costs On A Home Purchase

Friday, December 20th, 2013

Many are taking advantage of this year’s low mortgage rates to purchase a home. Pent up with excitement, many families, who have scrimped and saved for a down-payment, jump for joy when the mortgage lender finally approves their application.  But, they should realize that there’s a whole new set of expenses that must be covered…Read More »

After An Accepted Offer

Friday, October 12th, 2012

  Once you and the buyer have “signed on the dotted line,” there are a few more steps leading to the closing. Here’s a reminder of what will be happening. Inspection Period.  During this time, the buyer and/or hired inspectors will be making appointments to inspect the home. It is best if you are not…Read More »

Offers Accepted What’s Next

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

Once you and the seller have “signed on the dotted line,” there are a few more steps leading to the closing. Now, here’s what you can expect through the rest of the process.   Lender Documents.  Your lender will be receiving a copy of the purchase agreement and needing documents to be complete their file.  Please contact…Read More »